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The useSessionStorage hook allows you to manage a sessionStorage value as a React state value. Setting the value will also write it to sessionStorage. Upon a reload, if the key exists in sessionStorage, the value will be loaded and used as the initial state, instead of initialState.


If you'd like to configure how the value is serialized and deserialized, you can use makeStorageHook to build your own hook.


  • key (string): A unique key to set and access the value with.
  • initialState (any): Initial state value.


An array containing:

  • The state value.
  • The state setter function (which will also set the value in sessionStorage).
  • A function to remove the value from sessionStorage. This does not change the value held in state.


import { useSessionStorage } from '@atomicjolt/hooks';

function Component() {
const [value, setValue, removeValue] = useSessionStorage('myKey', 'defaultValue');

return (
<button onClick={() => setValue('newValue')}>Set Value</button>
<button onClick={removeValue}>Remove Value</button>