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@atomicjolt/hooks is a collection of React hooks that can be used to simplify common tasks in React applications. The hooks are designed to be simple to use and easy to understand. The hooks are also designed to be composable, so you can use them together to create more complex behavior.


To install @atomicjolt/hooks run the following command:

npm install @atomicjolt/hooks


yarn add @atomicjolt/hooks


To use a hook, import it from @atomicjolt/hooks and call it in your component.

import { useDefaultState } from '@atomicjolt/hooks';

function MyComponent() {
const [state, setState, revert] = useDefaultState(0);

return (
<p>State: {state}</p>
<button onClick={() => setState(5)}>Set state to 5</button>
<button onClick={revert}>Revert state</button>